Clinical Refraction Guide

by Bhootra Ajay Kumar

Prescribing and dispensing are two tails of managing the patients for refractive errors. The reasons are simple. The need for correction arises with a lens prescription by an optometrist and the generated need is catered by a dispensing optician. One of the cornerstones of the practice is you need a unique blend of skills and intelligence in order to manage the patient for vision correction effectively. “Clinical Refraction Guide” describes the art and science of the clinical refraction procedure, in a brief and lucid manner. It describes various procedures and techniques that can be applied to elicit the refractive error and provide appropriate management. The book is for the students of Optometry, or for the students of Optometric Technicians, Ophthalmic Assistants, Ophthalmic Nursing and all other Opticianry programs. It is written from the practice point of view, rather than academic. The majority of the chapters follow the sequential steps of the whole procedure. Meticulous planning has been done to design the contents and put them into different chapters. The book has been compiled in a very simple language so that it serves as a reference guide in the clinic as well as in the classes. The salient features of the book are simple language, emphasis is more on practice procedures, short and precise explanations and criticalities of the procedures are given more importance. The author has extensive experience in this field of eye care practice. He has tried to accumulate most of his experience in this book. All principles, theories and optics are beyond the scope of this book. The methods are described as step by step procedure that establishes the eternal truth that helps in eliciting the refractive error. The book has two sections. Section 1 contains flow of clinical refraction procedure, tests and equipments needed, routine and refinement procedures and refraction techniques in various situations. Section 2 exclusively deals with the sequential procedure of Retinoscopy.


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