Sumit Garg MD Offering authoritative coverage, Steinert’s Cataract Surgery, 4th Edition, takes you step by step[...]
Richard S. Koplin, David C. Ritterband, Emily Schorr, John A. Seedor, Elaine Wu The second[...]
Meena Chakrabarti, Arup Chakrabarti Posterior segment complications of cataract surgery are encountered not only by[...]
Courtney L. Kraus Pediatric Cataract Surgery and IOL Implantation: A Case Based Guide is a[...]
Kyoko Ohno-matsui This Atlas provides many beautiful images obtained with state-of-the-art technologies, including optical coherence[...]
Ming Wang Until recently, surgical correction of presbyopia was considered the “last frontier” in[...]
Soosan Jacob Due to its instantaneous and visible results for patients both anatomically and[...]
Samir A. Melki, Ali Fadlallah Femtosecond-assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis flaps have revolutionized refractive surgery since[...]
Ulrich Spandau This book describes how trocar cannulas can be utilized by cataract surgeons in[...]
Marcus Ang, Tien Y. Wong This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0[...]
Jorge L. Alió, Joseph Pikkel This comprehensive 2nd edition will build on the highly successful[...]
Sudarshan Kumar Khokhar, Chirakshi Dhull This book highlights various pediatric cataracts and their clinical presentations,[...]
Dimitri T. Azar Comprehensive and clinically focused, Refractive Surgery, 3rd Edition, brings you the[...]
Marié-Jose Tassignon, Sorcha Ní Dhubhghaill, Luc Van Os This book provides a complete overview of[...]
Adel Barbara This book presents new technologies which are available now for the rehabilitation of[...]
Nathan Efron In this thoroughly updated fourth edition, award-winning contact lens author, lecturer, and researcher,[...]
Jean-Luc Febbraro This book reviews the surgical techniques currently employed for the management of astigmatism,[...]
Rajen Gupta This book provides ophthalmic surgeons with a concise, clinical guide to performing the[...]
Anat Galor, Virender Singh Sangwan, Manotosh Ray, Radhika Tandon A handy manual for cornea specialists,[...]
Jorge L. Alió, Dr. Dimitri T. Azar This illustrated guide is written by international opinion[...]
Jonathan C. Park Description In order to become a Consultant Ophthalmologist it is necessary to[...]
by William J. Fishkind (Author) Description Phacoemulsification, the gold standard for cataract extraction, is highly successful. However,[...]
Arup Chakrabarti Description This book deals with a potentially sight threatening complication – rupture of[...]
M. Bowes Hamill Description Keep your ophthalmic knowledge current with the Academy’s 2016-2017 Basic and[...]
Sharon L. Jick Description Keep your ophthalmic knowledge current with the Academy’s 2016-2017 Basic and[...]
Yizhi Liu Description This book focuses on disorders of the lens, which are a major[...]
Ian Christopher Lloyd Description This book aims to assist ophthalmologists in providing the best possible[...]
Wan-soon Kim Description This book presents the principles and pearls for successful surgical management of[...]
Bonnie An Henderson This book, in a concise format, explains how to perform manual small[...]
Amar Agarwal The first of its kind to cover the cutting edge technique of glued[...]
Bradley Randleman; Iqbal Ike K. Ahmed >Ophthalmologic surgery has seen ever-evolving advancements in treatment methodologies.[...]
Peter H. Schiller; Edward J. Tehovnik Permanent surgical treatment for presbyopia remains the hereto unconquered[...]
by Agarwal Amar, Narang Priya The book is a comprehensive academic work with a pragmatic[...]
by Bhootra Ajay Kumar Prescribing and dispensing are two tails of managing the patients for[...]
by Toshniwal Navneet This book, Text and Atlas—Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy for Assessment in Cataract Surgery,[...]
by Agarwal Amar, Narang Priya This Mini Atlas on Phacoemulsification offers us a concise, well-illustrated[...]
by Agarwal Amar, Narang Priya The book “Step by Step Phacoemulsification” comprises of 17 descriptive[...]
by Gilg Alain-Nicolas This book PRESBYOPIA: Therapies and Further Prospects deals with the well-known condition[...]
by Dean William H, Sandford-Smith John Refraction and optics are integral part of teaching and[...]
by Bonnie Henderson, Sonia H. Yoo Are you looking for concise, practical answers to questions[...]